Titus Trails takes pride in building sustainable trails for all to enjoy.


Have a trail in mind, but need the confidence to complete it? We are here for you. Having seen first hand how trails with poor planning and lack of vision turn out. We know how important the planning stages are. Trails that are sustainably built, with long term vision and community support positively impact the surrounding population for years to come. As a member of the Professional Trail Builders Association we stay current with industry best practices and are constantly refining our own tried and true techniques.


In order to build, you must first have a solid design on the ground. With over a decade of experience designing trails for many application. We are confident in providing the alignment that best suits your landscape and users need.


Earth and dirt are ephemeral and to that end, all trails need some level of maintenance to keep them in tip top shape. This can often be an over looked part of a good trail system. Ideally maintenance plans are conceived during the design phase, thus maximizing trail users enjoyment. We have rebuilt and reconnected many trails after significant fire/natural damage. We will come in to repair the damage done by the weather and users on trails that have been “loved to death”.


With a quality alignment the construction can begin. We have been building trails in many climates and landscapes. we use the appropriate equipment for your project from Dozer to Excavator to Human. We have the qualifications and knowledge to best meet your desired outcome.